Even if the book is in the process of publication, I decided to share the most important content in relation with the planet saving,  as well as to share an introduction to the other parts of the book to get the attention of the future readers. 



Fundamentals of human existence ............................................................................... 28


Food as medicine  ........................................................................................................ 32


Nutrition ...................................................................................................................... 33


Food pharmacy nutrition plan ...................................................................................... 34


Sport .............................................................................................................................46


Gravity workout ...........................................................................................................48


Regeneration ................................................................................................................ 51




The theory of Einstein’s time relativity is the only evidence (principle of perception, cannot be calculated), which can support and prove the my theory of atomic corellation applicable in all life fields and the electroneutrality as the theory of the middle golden way, so let me introduce it through my SPACE BOOK.


The entire book is based on atomic correlation theory, which is the only scientific theory that works through calculations, but my theory of atomic correlation is far more extensive and discusses such areas of space that cannot yet be calculated, but based on the principle of perception, which also works with Einstein's theory of time relativity, is provable. It is the only book that scientifically proves and explains literally everything, including incredible or even impossible things that are possible. Upon these basics the planet functioning should be understood, and the control overtaken.


The aim of this book is to save us, just as our planet by giving direction to the global community, as in the present as in the future, mirroring that the future is in our hands and that the members of the global community need to think about the current state of humans and non-humans, the animate and inanimate beings on this planet, and about future generations and their living conditions, which are dependent on our everyday way of life, conditioned by correlative processes of atoms. 


The third chapter is about the atomically corellated healthy body and healthy mind of every being, as well as about the current social issues affecting the collective health of the population. 


Fitness social network

The FITBOOK project, currently still operating as, is a worldwide portal for coaches, gyms, online stores with fitness equipment, and for people interested in exercise and a healthy lifestyle.


Gravity Workout

The Gravity workout feeling is proving the facts about my gravity interpretation, just as the Einstein’s time relativity is proved according to the feelings.

The Gravity workout is a new type of workout, which is controlled by your body pressure, affected by your depth of diaphragmatic breath. During the whole workout, you need to have at least your minimum pressure held in your body, otherwise, you will not be able to provide the best technique of your body movements (for everyone is the best different, just to be clear about this workout, the best is the limit of your body, or better said your maximum achievable positions and maximum achievable sets and reps) even I am not providing optically the best technique, but as you see I am working on it.




This type of workout is not just a simple workout in itself, but at the same time, it stretches your muscles and shapes them into their most natural and original form. It’s not just a complex form of bodybuilding, but also a complex body reconstruction that helps renew your body posture to its optimal position according to gravity. This workout technique can be used for various types of workouts, including anaerobic and aerobic exercises, as well as weighted and bodyweight workouts.

To begin, the first steps involve practicing diaphragmatic breathing. It’s essential to learn how to take deep breaths that create the minimum pressure necessary to be maintained throughout the entire workout. Sometimes, if there is a pause, it’s important to be mindful of recreating the pressure as soon as possible and continuing with the workout.

The best way to start with diaphragmatic breathing is by lying straight on your back or assuming the baby position with your legs up. Alternatively, you can try it while sitting on a chair or in the lotus flower yoga position. Take a few deep diaphragmatic breaths (the number of breaths can vary according to your needs): sets 1-5, reps 5-25.


Learning to Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing


  1. Sit or lie in a comfortable place. Close your eyes.
  2. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. The bottom hand should do the moving. The top hand should remain still or only move as the bottom hand moves.
  3. Inhale through your nose for about 4 seconds, feeling your abdomen expand. (You may feel slight tension the first few times you inhale.)
  4. Hold your breath for 2 seconds.
  5. Exhale very slowly and steadily through your mouth for about 6 seconds. The mouth should be relaxed.
  6. Repeat for 5-15 minutes.


This you can practice whenever you want during the whole day, at least sooner, you will get used to in the usage of your diaphragm.

All the time during the workouts you have to be conscious and focusing on your center of your body, you will feel like you would blowing a balloon which connects your upper body with your lower body parts. If we got into the part that we are enough smart with the diaphragmatic breathings to connect our upper and lower body parts and we can be conscious during the whole workout and fully focused on the technique of our body movements then we can follow up with the different workouts. All the time we have to have that minimum pressure in our body, but we also need to make pauses and relax just like in other type of sports. Every aerobic and anaerobic workout have to be controlled by an air in your body, which is creating pressure and by the provision of your conscious mind you are coordinating your muscles with your diaphragmatic breaths, focusing on the technique and the movements of your body.

The duration of the workouts just like the sets and the reps are individual for everyone, the most important is to be conscious and focused on the techniques, the main technique is the fixed body center by the diaphragmatic breath creating pressure(minimum pressure try to hold during the whole workout), and the maximum achievable straightened back, otherwise the sets and the reps will have no effect and expected results.

For every type of a workout the sets and the reps are different.


Anaerobic workouts

The beginners 1-2 sets with 3-6 reps.

The advancers 2-4 sets with 6-12 reps.

The professionals 4-6 sets with 12-24 reps.


Aerobic workouts

The beginners 0-15 min.

The advancers 15-30 min.

The professionals 30-60 min.


During the aerobic workouts you should also focus on your body posture, straightened back, on the deep diaphragmatic breaths, which are helping to you to blow your body like a balloon, keep your back straightened, and higher your intensity just like your power, speed, and agility. The best for beginners is a uphill walking or a uphill fast walking. During this type of cardio workout you can overfeel the best effect of the gravity on your body and the effect of the gravity workout techniques.



Videos are available on YouTube in the profile of the following name @dominik3389:


The book is in the process of publication, soon will be available in e-stores and stores. Thank you.